Bob Sheppard to Retire as New York Giants’ Public Address Announcer

Associated Press - Longtime football Giants public-address announcer Bob Sheppard intends to retire at the end of the season.
Sheppard sent a letter about his retirement a few weeks ago to John Mara, the team’s chief operations officer, Giants spokesman Pat Hanlon said.
Known for his relaxed, unhurried delivery, Sheppard began announcing Giants games in 1956 and remained a fixture with the team as it moved from Yankee Stadium to the Yale Bowl and finally to Giants Stadium in 1976.
According to a report published on Nov. 15, Sheppard would step down as Giants announcer but will continue to announce Yankees games as he has for the last 55 years. A Yankees spokesman confirmed Sheppard planned to remain with the team.
Sheppard, who has not divulged his age in interviews over the years, is believed to be in his mid-90s. The traveling and traffic on Sundays from Giants Stadium in New Jersey to his home in Long Island has also been an ongoing problem for Sheppard.